Who We Are

The Near East Cafe is a collaboration of Too Good Eats and Food Leads, both organizations invested in the health of the Columbus community. We are locally focused and community centered, providing nourishing, affordable, and convenient food options. Building a lifestyle that supports long-term health is a challenge that requires not only education and access; it also requires community. We strive to build a space that is a community hub where people feel valued and supported.

We see food as a powerful means for connection. The community center and the café are a space where neighbors can come together. We know people will enjoy meals with those already in their network, but we aim to encourage interactions with unknown neighbors through intentional events and programming that spur conversation that will build understanding, trust, and respect among neighbors.

Because we are so invested in nourishing our community, when you dine with us, at least 50% of our profits go to improving food access and nutrition in Central Ohio.

Near East Cafe



Let’s stay connected

Reach out about a project, collaboration or just to say hello!


Monday-Tuesday: Closed

Wednesday-Friday: 7:30am-3:30pm

Saturday-Sunday: 8:30am-3:30pm

1600 E Long St. Columbus, Ohio 43203